2004-07-28 日記


昨天真的是整天都在搞那難搞的WinXP,不知道為何WinXP每次重新安裝總是遇到一堆問題,目前遇過DMA打不開,某些安裝程式一執行必定當機,還有一打開eDonkey後三分鐘內網路傳輸就會像吃東西噎到一樣,網路進出瞬間停止,並且整個WinXP halt住,唯一解法就是拔掉網路線,一瞬間又會恢復正常.這三個問題不時出現,讓小宗宗這次重灌真是吐血,終於昨天決定啟用Ghost一步一步備份尋找原因,不過這次卻毫無所獲,好像每次都是裝第三次WinXp後就會正常…謎一般的問題.

The WinXP made me crazy. I reinstalling WinXP three times in two days. It had lots of weird problems after I installing WinXP at the first time and the second time such as can’t turn on the DMA or system halt after starting eDonkey. I think that there’s a driver incompatible with WinXP but I don’t know which one yet. I hope the WinXP SP2 which will release in August will improvement the problems.