2004-08-9 日記


下午玩了一下Doom3(毀滅戰士3),可以說是罵聲連連, id公司真是整人,走幾步就被突然跳出來的怪物嚇到,常常門一開怪物就迎面而來,不然就是去吃補給品的時候忽然怪物從牆壁裡面破牆而出,嚇得小宗宗把喇叭開超小聲的,但是喇叭開太小聲又會聽不見任務提示,很多密碼都是要用聽的才知道.所以邊玩邊被嚇邊罵…這就是Doom3啊XD
P4 2.6C,DDR 400 1G ram,ATI AIW 9700pro 128mb.這樣跑medium quality,1024×768解析度偶爾還是會小delay呢.不過遊戲畫質也真的是超可怕,有看過電影版的太空戰士嗎?人臉部的畫質大概就像電影那樣細膩,難怪需要500mb的顯示卡記憶體.

I started to play the game, doom3 , and it’s scared me all the time in the game but the game is great. The perfect video quality and the horrible mood in the game really interesting me. But this game need the best PC hardware to run it. My P4 2.4c with ddr 400 1G ram and ATI AIW 9700pro 128mb video card runs the Doom3 using medium quality and 1024×768 that it is a little delay while in some place. Maybe I will buy a new video card if I win the lottery. ^^