今天做了一件很蠢的事,小宗宗利用一套Virtual PC的程式把Mac模擬成PC,不過事情說起來容易,做起來很難,因為畢竟是模擬的,所以和PC比慢很多,小宗宗只敢裝Win2000,大概要裝一小時吧,頗慢.
裝好後小宗宗先測試Webcam能否透過MSN開啟視訊,沒想到馬上遇到難題.一進入MSN攝影機設定時,即刻當機,而且是連Mac的OS X連帶一起死當.後來重新啟動電腦,Win2000就掛掉了.接著放入Win2000光碟片修復Win2000系統後,再試一次,還是死機…前後修了三次Win最後放棄.
I’ve tried to install windows 2000 on my iBook. How can I do it? There’s a program called “Virtual PC”. Using this program, you can use it to emulate a PC machine and run a windows program. It sounds great but it’s not as fast as normal PC and it has lots of problem. It’s not very useful as I thought but it’s really cool stuff. ^^
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