2004-11-20 日記


今天晚上Halo2打公會戰,超刺激的說,兩邊可以說是不相上下啊~好幾次都是很驚險的成功得分,玩了四場,一場平手,三場我們獲勝,不過都是打得蠻辛苦才獲勝的說.我們打的是搶旗模式(1 flag CTF),所以注重的是團隊默契,領隊不時的發號施令,我們也不時的提供情報,加上之前大家大多有練過,所以打起來很輕鬆^^ 不過小宗宗每次衝突戰都會打輸,看來還得多練練@@~
Our Halo2 clan won the games. We fought with another clan and we won three rounds and one draw round. Halo2 is a great game. Especially with the live, you can fight with other people on the net. That will make you play this game for a long time.