2004-11-28 日記


什麼~Halo2下午竟然被小宗宗全破了…小宗宗才打兩天而已的說,大概20多小時而已吧~感覺蠻短的說,不過還蠻好玩的.接下來應該是先把之前的Ace Comabt 5給破台,然後接Metal Gear Solid 3(潛龍諜影3),然後是十二月底的GT4,然後就可以安心過新年了XD
啊~那小宗宗的留學計畫呢~管它的,等等先把Ace Combat 5拿出來玩玩再說XD
The Halo2 single mission was over. I spent only two days to complete the whole game. It’s pretty easy and the story was not as long as I thought. But it still is a good game. I think I will back to play the Ace Combat 5 again. ^^