2005-01-4 日記


時間好像越過越快,感覺剛起床沒多久又要睡覺了(嗯~應該是小宗宗太晚起來XD),今天下午看了幾篇文章,休息時忍不住打開了手邊的iBook把玩了一下,結果一不小心下載了UT2004的射擊遊戲for Mac的demo版.試了一下還不賴呢~本來以為會嚴重delay.沒想到效果還不賴,畢竟ATI 9200的顯示卡也是有一定水準的說.上網和別人連線玩了一下,幾乎和PC版的沒啥不同.只是用觸控板玩FPS實在有難度.
I downloaded a UT2004 game for Mac this afternoon. It’s a demo version. I just want to test the FPS game’s performance on my iBook. Before I started the game, I thought that it must delay very much. After I started the game, everything seemed like my PC version. Only delay a little at some place. The iBook was really powerful than I expected. But using the touch-pad to play FPS game was really hard.